Alien is a term collectively designating the extraterrestrial enemy force occupying Earth in 2035 under the veneer of ADVENT, a human/alien global government chaired by members of the former Council. As the main antagonists and enemies in XCOM 2 and XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, they feature significant improvements brought on by the integration of human DNA. Having enthralled most of the human population, they wield a dominating global presence in the name of the "Elders," whose true goals are unknown.
Alien Types[]
For information regarding Alien Autopsies see the related article on Research Projects.
- ADVENT Officer
- ADVENT General†
- ADVENT Purifier†
- ADVENT Priest†
- ADVENT Shieldbearer
- ADVENT Stun Lancer
- ADVENT Trooper
- Andromedon
- Archon
- Avatar
- Berserker
- Chryssalid
- Faceless
- Muton
- Sectoid
- Viper
- ADVENT Turret
- Andromedon Battlesuit (Andromedon 2nd stage)
- Sectopod
- Psi Zombie (Sectoid/Gatekeeper ability)
- Shadow (Spectre ability)†
- Spectral Stun Lancer (Warlock ability)†
- Spectral Zombie (Warlock ability)†
Alien Rulers ('Alien Hunters' DLC)[]
The Chosen ('War of the Chosen' DLC)[]
* Alien Hunters DLC
† War of the Chosen DLC