
The Chryssalid is an alien enemy encountered in XCOM 2. They are highly mobile melee units that are able to leap to scale buildings and can attack after dashing.

These Chryssalids seem a little smaller than I remember - then again, it was never really their size we had to worry about.

–Central Officer Bradford


They are first deployed in late June (mid-August on Legend) on either pure Chryssalid pods or as support troops for a Berserker.


  • Leap: Chryssalids are agile melee-only units that are able to leap to scale buildings and have high mobility. They are able to attack after dashing.
  • Chryssalid Poison: Chryssalid melee attacks cause Chryssalid Poison status effect, which affects organic units. Units killed by a Chryssalid attack or by the poison turn into a cocoon that can spawn up to three new Chryssalids (one each turn while the cocoon is alive).
  • Burrow/Unburrow: the ability to burrow underground and lie in wait to ambush unsuspecting targets. Ambushes can occur even during the player's turn; Chryssalids, if triggered, are able to move and attack the nearest target.


There are two types of encounters when meeting with Chryssalids:

  • Pods: these Chryssalids move in groups and act like most other enemy pods, deploying when they spot you. They will attempt to cluster on closer units rather than spread out to attack the entire squad.
  • Burrowers: burrowers are lone Chryssalids that use the Burrow ability to ambush targets. Be aware that you are not safe even when you are taking actions.


  • While burning, Chryssalids cannot use their melee attack, effectively disabling them. However, in War of the Chosen Chryssalids are not impaired by burning.
  • Chryssalid Poison does not expire and must be cured with a Medkit.
  • If a biological unit dies by Chryssalid Poison that is caused by a mind controlled Chryssalid, all Chryssalids emerging from the cocoon will still be hostile.
  • Non-mechanical units that are immune to poison via traits or items can still be affected by Chryssalid poison. However, they will not take the poison damage.


  • Scanning Protocol of the Specialist class will force the Chryssalid to emerge for the turn it is active.
  • Specialist's Aid Protocol can be used on the scouting unit to reduce the chance of being hit by the burrowed Chryssalids, this is even better with a SPARK as they have 15 defense in addition to the aid protocol (Giving chryssalids only a 20-40% chance to hit depending on the GREMLIN tech tier) and even if the SPARK is hit, it is immune to poison and the melee damage will get mitigated by it's armor
  • It is useful, when advancing in a mission where burrowed Chryssalids are suspected to be present, to move a scouting unit last and place other units behind them on Overwatch first, so as to cover the scout. Follow up on the next turn by advancing the squad up to the point guard's new location, putting them on Overwatch again, then moving the point guard up once more.
  • A Ranger with Bladestorm is extremely useful against overeager Chryssalids. The attack will usually not kill a Chryssalid with one hit, but if other Overwatch shots connect it is more than useful for finishing it off.
  • A Hazmat Vest confers immunity to the poison's damage, leaving only the melee damage. Psi Operatives with the Fortress skill are unaffected by poison as well.
  • Chryssalid Poison does not expire and must be cured with a Medkit. A poisoned unit can be EVACed, if allowed by the mission.
  • Mind controlling a chryssalid can be useful against Avatars, their poison allows to slow down their regeneration. However it should be noted that when the avatar dies, it will spawn a cocoon that itself spawns hostile chryssalids.


  • Chryssalids have evolved from the original unit in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Now they are more deadly and much more visually imposing with spines, talons and razor-like skin.
  • Much like its predecessor favoring Terror missions, the Chryssalid is most frequently seen on ADVENT Retaliation missions.
  • Chryssalids have a single armor point and higher HP (Rookie difficulty excluded), making them more robust than their previous incarnation, however since they appear much later in the game then in enemy unknown, they tend to die with less attacks
  • The opening cutscene for the Lost and Abandoned implies the Reapers eat Chryssalids because a head of one is seen roasting on a fire.

See Also[]
