Reason: Major stub.

Reason: 1. Requires cleanup from excess "explanation needed" notes and overuse of the game data info in un-commented form.
Critical Chance[]
Critical Damage[]
Flanking Critical Chance[]
Most characters have 33 or 40 from flanking.[1]
From defaultgamecore.ini:
- MP_FLANKING_CRIT_BONUS=30[explanation needed]
- SQUADSIGHT_CRIT_MOD=-10[explanation needed]
100% crit chance is achievable with:
- Rangers with Talon Rounds ammo and Laser Sight weapon upgrades.
- Sharpshooter with Talon Rounds, Guerrilla Tactics School upgrade[explanation needed] and Steady Hands perk.
- ↑ Based on CharacterBaseStats[eStat_FlankingCritChance]= from from file XCOM 2/share/data/xcomgame/config/defaultgamedata_characterstats.ini