The EVAC zone is a designated area on an XCOM 2 mission map where deployed soldiers can evacuate from a marked 3 by 3 square to the Skyranger. Once soldiers move into the EVAC zone, they can rope out to the Skyranger and exit the mission without spending an action point. In most missions, XCOM can place an EVAC zone anywhere on the map. However, in Council Missions, Ambushes, the ADVENT Blacksite Assault, and the ADVENT Forge Facility Assault, a fixed EVAC zone is provided.
Council Missions, Ambushes, and Alien Facility Assaults are completed by using EVAC zones to extract the deployed squad, as are the key missions ADVENT Blacksite Assault and ADVENT Forge Facility Assault. EVAC zones can also be used to extract soldiers and abandon a mission without completing its objectives.
If XCOM leaves a soldier behind on a mission requiring evacuation, for example by leaving behind an unconscious soldier or running out of time, the soldier is captured by ADVENT and may appear later in the game as a rescue target in a Council Mission.