![SSAudible Icon](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xcom/images/9/98/SSAudible_Icon.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/26?cb=20190313052144)
Reason: Provide the Cost values for WotC.
A GREMLIN Mark III is a highly advanced GREMLIN drone in XCOM 2. It is used by Specialists as a secondary weapon.
- Hack stat: +40
- Aid Protocol: +40 Defense
- Medical Protocol: +2 bonus HP healed (8 HP max)
- Restoration: 6 HP healed
- Scanning Protocol: 2 charges
- Combat Protocol damage: 6 Organic, 10-11 Robotic
- Capacitor Discharge damage: 7-10 Organics, 11-14 Robotic [explanation needed]
In-Game Description[]
"The Mark III GREMLIN is the most advanced version of the GREMLIN Drone, significantly increasing the hacking stat of all Specialists. The Specialist's abilities are also substantially improved when he or she is accompanied by this support robot."
Tactical Info[]
- The GREMLIN Drone allows Specialists to execute a variety of battlefield tasks from safer distances.
- The GREMLIN accompanies the Specialist, and can be issued protocols which aid allies, hack electronic targets, or damage enemies.
- The GREMLIN usually goes unnoticed by enemies, and cannot take damage or be destroyed. It will shut down if its owner is incapacitated or killed.
- The label on the back of the GREMLIN MK3 warns against radioactivity, suggesting the Elerium used widely by the aliens is radioactive.
- GREMLINS belonging to different specialists appear to have the same model and serial numbers.