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The Gatekeeper is an alien enemy encountered in XCOM 2.


The Gatekeeper appears as a floating sphere, but contains a tentacled mass of flesh within its armored shell.


Gateway: A massive Psionic AOE attack that deals damage, and reanimate any corpses into psi zombies.

Possesses a high-powered beam weapon akin to the older Sectopod, as well as having the ability to charge through and destroy cover. It is considered as a 4 space sized object (very similar to older xcom tank units)

The Gatekeeper maintains its hardened, spherical appearance initially (which has double the armor and higher defense than its open form), and will return to it after being damaged by one attack.

Has a melee attack called Consume, which will restore health to the Gatekeeper depending on how much damage it dealt. Any humanoid enemies killed by this attack will also be raised as psi zombies.


  • Despite its outer appearance as a mechanical unit, the Gatekeeper is an organic enemy, and is vulnerable to weapons such as Flashbang, Gas or Incendiary grenades, all of which restrict its psionic abilities. Hitting a Gatekeeper whiling having psi zombie on the field with flashbang will kill all psi zombies.
  • As an organic enemy, the Gatekeeper is also vulnerable to psionics. It is a suitable target for Domination, especially if your Psi Operative is equipped with an Alien Psi Amp.
  • After using its psionic abilities, the Gatekeeper will remain in its open form until it is damaged once (this includes damage from a stock). Use your hardest-hitting attack first.
  • The Gatekeeper is especially vulnerable to the effects of an acid bomb. Just make sure that you hit it with one when it is closed, so that it does not restore its armour by closing from its open state.
  • A Gatekeeper will explode upon death, damaging (~7 damage) to any nearby (3 tiles blast radius) units and the environment.
  • Gatekeeper is likely to use its Gateway abilities where it can raise most zombies instead of dealing the most damage. This means if your team is standing on slain advent corpses, it is very likely to blast everyone with psionic damage. Use this to your advantage and stay away from corpses.