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TheBureau AlienGunship

The Gunship is a type of alien aircraft in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.


The Gunship can deploy alien reinforcements and provides fire support to ground forces.

They provide what a mobile and active army like the Zudjari would need, effective flexible transport and firepower. Often making up a role of modern day Helicopter gunships and transports, they lack visible long range anti air weaponry, making them evidently vulnerable to massed missile attacks, but a god in the skies compared to the more primitive craft Humans can field at the time. 

Autopsy Report[]

The Salvage Report for the Gunship may be found on the lower level of the lab after the university mission. It is at the right side of the room on a table near some scientists.

Salvage Report: Gunship

The gunship we faced was only one of a countless number of the Outsiders' multi-purpose assault ships, but it has provided us with an excellent array of technological materials for study. The combined thrust/gravitic propulsion systems, elerium-transfer power source, and assorted environmental control systems should be especially useful if we are to take the fight to the enemy.

More generally, we find that while the enemy gunships are very sturdily built for war, they also bear evidence of extended heavy usage with only minimal repairs. In some cases, unnecessary systems (luxury and entertainment suites) have been cannibalized for use in more pressing repairs (weapons and propulsion), suggesting that the Outsiders have been running low on supplies in the course of their extended conquests. This may explain the urgency of their attack on Earth.

