Hidden Potential is a Second Wave option that randomizes stat growth as a soldier is promoted. The range of growth is as follows:
- Aim:
- HP: Heavy has 60% chance per level of +1 HP, all other classes have 50%
- Will is treated in the same way as normal, that is:
- 2-6 growth for all classes
- 4-12 with the Iron Will upgrade from the Officer Training School
- Some sources say that the Soldier Movement stat does not increase with leveling, others do. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/DefaultGameCore.ini_settings_-_XCOM:EU_2012#Soldier/NPC_UNIT_Balance_Mods Says as it pertains to Soldier Moves per promotion with Hidden Potential selected: Heavy has 10% chance of +1 move, all other classes have 20%.
- My own tests say that Soldier Movement stat does not increase with leveling:
- Classic difficulty
- non born Equal ON - she started with 14 mobility +80 aim
- Hidden potential ON - she started with 4 HP, end with 10
- game wasn't altered in anyway (run done for achievement and to unlock high stakes second wave option)