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The Medikit is a utility item in XCOM 2.

The Nanomedikit is an improved version of the Medikit and comes with increased healing.

In-Game Description[]


The Nanomedikit represents a substantial upgrade over our standard Medikit, increasing the health restored to injured soldiers.

Tactical Information[]


  • A Nanomedikit can restore 6HP to a single soldier.
  • Like the base Medikit, a Nanomedikit can remove negative environmental effects from soldiers and can stabilize soldiers that are bleeding out.
  • Carrying a Nanomedikit grants immunity to poison.


A Medikit only has a single charge, and if used on allies, they must be in a tile that's orthogonally or diagonally adjacent. This doesn't apply to Specialists with Medical Protocol ability, who can heal any unit anywhere on the map.

Medikit Heal[]

A Medikit restores 4 (6 for Nanomedikit) Hit Points to a single biological unit, and also removes Burning, Acid Burn, Poisoned, Chryssalid poison, and Bleeding effects from the unit.

Upgraded GREMLIN drone increases the amount of Hit Points healed, e.g. GREMLIN Mark II heals +1 additional Hit Point.


A Medikit can be used to stop a unit from bleeding out.


  • Using a Medikit costs 1 Action Point, and does not end the turn. This is particularly useful with Specialists who can spend one turn healing two allies.
  • Specialist's Field Medic ability increases a Medikit's use charges by 2 when a Medikit is equipped and used by a specialist with the ability.
  • Specialist's Medical Protocol ability is equivalent in terms of healing and stabilizing effect, but doesn't provide poison protection.
    • Medical Protocol can be used once per mission, if the Medikit is not equipped. Equipping a Medikit grants 1 additional charge (for 2 in total) or 3 additional charges (for 4 in total) when Field Medic ability is acquired.
  • Carrying a Medikit grants immunity to being poisoned. [explanation needed]
    • It will also stop damage from Chryssalid poison, but if the medikit carrier dies by any means, the cocoon will still form.
  • When Battlefield Medicine is researched, all Medikits are automatically upgraded to Nanomedikits.


  • Nanomedikits are more expensive and also require Viper Corpses to be built: buy the necessary amount of Medikits before the Battlefield Medicine research is complete - to preserve supplies and resources. Create and carry once your soldiers start having significant missing HP after a standard medkit is used.