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Experimental weapon that focuses microwaves to cook targets alive, burning them to a crisp.

The Microwave is a weapon introduced in the Hangar 6 R&D DLC for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.

Tactical Info[]

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Notes & Tips[]

Document - Microwave Gun:

Dr Dresner,

I understand that your schedule is full for the near, but I wonder if you might take some time to look over our newest weapon prototype, the Microwave Gun, and send any feedback you may have. The weapon produces a concentrated beam of microwave energy, causing molecules to rotate and build up thermal energy.

Please take care when handling the weapon. During development of the prototype, we saw a number of internal burn injuries to careless investigators. Especially regrettable was an injury sustained when an intern attempted to use the weapon to prepare food, an application of microwave technology that I do not support and, given the results, find quite dangerous.

-Dr. Chambers

