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The Multiplayer game mode allows you to play XCOM 2 online, pitting your tactical prowess against random people or amongst friends. You are able to design a squad of up to six units and play on randomly generated maps turn by turn against your foe.

XCOM 2's Multiplayer was removed from the Steam version of XCOM 2 on March 28, 2022.[1]


Each unit in your squad costs you points, with your entire squad having a cost. You can play against anyone regardless of your overall squad cost so long as it under the selected limit; the player with the cheaper squad will always go first. The costs for the units are as follows:


Name Point Cost
Trooper 200
Officer 400
Stun Lancer 400
ADVENT Shieldbearer 800
Sectopod 8000


Name Point Cost
Sectoid 1000
Faceless 800
Viper 1200
Muton 1500
Codex 2000
Berserker 1500
Archon 1750
Chryssalid 1200
Andromedon 4500
Gatekeeper 6000


Name Point Cost
Ranger: Phantom 3200
Ranger: Blademaster 2800
Sharpshooter: Sniper 3000
Sharpshooter: Gunslinger 3000
Grenadier: Heavy Gunner 3200
Grenadier: Demo Expert 3200
Specialist: Field Medic 2800
Specialist: Combat Hacker 3000
Psi Operative 3200

XCOM Units can additionally equip Utility Items:

Name Point Cost
Plasma Grenade 400
Hellweave 200
Stasis Vest 400
Hazmat Vest 100
EMP Grenade 300
Mindshield 200
Battle Scanner 400
A.P. Rounds 500
Tracer Rounds 100
Frag Grenade 200


ADVENT Officer[]

  • ADVENT Officers are pricier than Troopers, but less expensive than most aliens.
  • They have a multitude of excellent abilities and good midline stats, making them very good units to round out squads and to fill out or lead ADVENT-centric squads.
  • Mark Target confers +10 percent accuracy on a certain target. If an enemy is in the open, or in low cover, Mark Target can be a good option in order to boost the odds of hitting the target.
  • The magnetic rifle only deals 3-4 damage. It's an okay weapon, but against 3+ armor enemies such as Andromedons, it's insufficient. Use the Officer to mark the target in this situation. If one is engaging a light to medium enemy such as another Officer or a Sectoid, the Magnetic Rifle is an ideal weapon, with the Officer's high accuracy of 75.
  • The ADVENT Officer has an ADVENT grenade. Use this weapon to destroy cover as one would use a standard Frag Grenade.
  • In an ADVENT-centric squad, one can use Officers as either squad leaders or squad-filling units. In such an "elite" squad, a few units can hang back and mark multiple targets for the rest. They pair very well with Shieldbearers.

ADVENT Shieldbearer[]

ADVENT Shieldbearer
8 Hit Points
12 Mobility
n/a Aim
60 Will
2 Armor Points
0 Dodge
n/a Hacking Score
  • Shieldbearers are more expensive than bottom-line units, comparable to ADVENT Troopers, but are still cheaper than some aliens.
  • They are excellent support units, due to their energy shield. If one is afraid that their units may be instantly killed by a certain enemy, they can utilize the Shieldbearer to add 3 HP to all allies.
  • The Magnetic Rifle is an okay weapon, and the Shieldbearer has a decent 70 accuracy.[citation needed] It's generally a waste to fire the Rifle on any target with 3+ armor. Despite what is quoted in the stats table above, the Magnetic Rifle only does 3-4 damage in multiplayer, same as ADVENT Troopers and Officers.
  • Shieldbearers in ADVENT-centric squads can be used as standard troops instead of ADVENT Troopers. In this regard, they can repeatedly shield one another, covering cooldown timers, and have good accuracy and a decent weapon. It's best to lead the squad with an ADVENT Officer, so that one can mark targets and abuse the aim bonus.

ADVENT Stun Lancer[]

  • Stun Lancers can be used as direct upgrades to the ADVENT Troopers, having more HP, dealing about the same amount of damage with their Mag Rifle and having the same accuracy, having their Stun lance that can disable enemies, but costing twice as much. This makes them good regular troops for ADVENT-centric squads.
  • Stun Lancers have good Mobility and Dodge, meaning that there is less risk when closing on a target.

ADVENT Trooper[]

  • At 200 points, the ADVENT Trooper is the absolute cheapest unit in the game.
  • At only 3 health, ADVENT Troopers usually die to any hit; their advanced variants do not appear in multiplayer.
  • They have low damage value; higher level enemies like Andromedons will not feel their attacks very easily, and high-armored enemies such as Gatekeepers may completely tank their attack.
  • ADVENT Troopers are disposable scouts and overwatch drawers; however they won't take every single overwatch attack as Enemy Unknown's multiplayer units tended to do. You cannot use the "Sectoid eats 6 overwatch attacks" strategy of EU.
  • In an ADVENT-centric squad, they still aren't a good option to fill the squad due to their deficiencies; Shieldbearers, Stun Lancers, and Officers are all superior options.


9 Hit Points
12 Mobility
78 Aim
50 Will
2 Armor Points
0 Dodge
0 Hacking Score


  • In multiplayer you are able to spawn Chryssalids from the pod the first turn after the host is killed. Chryssalids are spawned one at a time, and you appear to have to wait for a while before three can be spawned. Spawning too quickly will only allow two total: this is known to be a glitch.


  • Mutons are able to shred armor with their rifles and grenades, making them a cheap alternative or complement to Grenadiers and Andromedons
  • Muton's Counterattack ability makes them an excellent counter to dangerous melee units like Chryssalids and Rangers.
  • The Muton's Alien Grenade is more powerful than the ADVENT Grenade carried by Officers. Try to use it in order to deal damage in an area rather than a cover destroyer.
  • Suppression is a great support ability, especially when your units are in heavy cover; it can reduce aim chances to 0-10% in most cases during a multiplayer match. However, any damage to the Muton will cancel the Suppression, so it is best to do so when the Muton is behind a high cover and out of grenade range.

Match Options[]

Ranked Match[]

Ranked Match is only available without any mods. 90 seconds per turn. Map type: random map. Squad cost up to 10000...[explanation needed]

Quick Match[]

Steam friends can be invited as opponents. 90 seconds per turn. Map type: random map. Squad cost up to 10000...[explanation needed]

Create Custom Match[]

  1. Lobby Type
    1. LAN
    2. Public. Steam friends can be invited as opponents.
    3. Private. Steam friends can be invited as opponents.
  2. Max Squad Cost
    1. No Point Limit
    2. 7500
    3. 10000
    4. 20000
  3. Turns Timer
    1. No Time Limit
    2. 45
    3. 90
    4. 120
  4. Map Type
    1. Facility
      1. Biome Type: No Biome Selection
    2. Shanty
      1. Biome Type: Temperate
      2. Biome Type: Arid
      3. Biome Type: Tundra
    3. Slums
      1. Biome Type: No Biome Selection
    4. City Center
      1. Biome Type: No Biome Selection
    5. Small Town
      1. Biome Type: Temperate
      2. Biome Type: Arid
      3. Biome Type: Tundra
    6. Wilderness
      1. Biome Type: Temperate
      2. Biome Type: Arid
      3. Biome Type: Tundra

Players can search for a custom game hosted Publicly or over LAN.

Search results[]

Table with columns: Username, Squad Size, Turn timer, Map Type, Ping. The table has a Refresh button.


Edit Squad Loadouts[]

Visible attributes[]

Players can see only some attributes:

  1. Hit Points
  2. Mobility
  3. Aim
  4. Will
  5. Armor Points
  6. Dodge
  7. Hacking Score

Technical notes[]

  • File XCOM 2/share/data/xcomgame/config/defaultmpgame.ini contains many references to EXALT. These are likely a leftover during development from XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
  • Data pulled from files XCOM 2/share/data/xcomgame/config/defaultgamedata_characterstats.ini and XCOM 2/share/data/xcomgame/config/defaultmpcharacterdata.ini


  1. XCOM [@XCOM]. (2022, February 22). Tweet.