Research Projects are the primary way in which new technology, equipment and facilities are unlocked in XCOM 2 and XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Research projects include the study and reverse-engineering of recovered alien technologies and autopsies on alien and ADVENT corpses. In War of the Chosen, Breakthroughs and Inspirations may occur periodically with each discovery made.
Standard Research Projects
- Alien Biotech
- Alien Encryption
- Resistance Communications
- Resistance Radio
- Psionics
- Hybrid Materials
- Modular Weapons
- Elerium (reqs† ADVENT MEC Breakdown)
- ADVENT Datapad Decryption
- Alien Data Cache Decryption
- Facility Lead
- Experimental Weapons*
- Assassin Weapons†
- Hunter Weapons†
- Warlock Weapons†
* Alien Hunters DLC, † War of the Chosen
Shadow Chamber Projects
These research projects are only available once the Shadow Chamber is built.
Although accessed from a dedicated facility, Shadow Chamber Projects require Richard Tygan's full attention, putting standard research and autopsies on hold until they are completed. Once a Shadow Chamber Project is completed, normal research resumes where it left off.
- Blacksite Vial
- Codex Brain
- Encrypted Codex Data
- Recovered ADVENT Stasis Suit
- Psionic Gate
- Avatar Autopsy
Enemy Autopsies
These research projects depend on the acquisition of a corresponding enemy corpse during a mission. Most autopsy research times can be reduced to 0 (instant) after XCOM have gathered sufficient corpses of the corresponding enemy.
* Alien Hunters DLC
† War of the Chosen