
Discovering New Alien Technology

Research Projects are the primary way in which new technology, equipment and facilities are unlocked in XCOM 2 and XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Research projects include the study and reverse-engineering of recovered alien technologies and autopsies on alien and ADVENT corpses. In War of the Chosen, Breakthroughs and Inspirations may occur periodically with each discovery made.

Standard Research Projects

* Alien Hunters DLC, War of the Chosen

Shadow Chamber Projects

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These research projects are only available once the Shadow Chamber is built.

Although accessed from a dedicated facility, Shadow Chamber Projects require Richard Tygan's full attention, putting standard research and autopsies on hold until they are completed. Once a Shadow Chamber Project is completed, normal research resumes where it left off.

Enemy Autopsies

These research projects depend on the acquisition of a corresponding enemy corpse during a mission. Most autopsy research times can be reduced to 0 (instant) after XCOM have gathered sufficient corpses of the corresponding enemy.

Autopsies in XCOM 2 and DLCs
Previous Current Next Corpses for instant completion per difficulty Items unlocked Other unlocks
Alien Biotech ADVENT Officer Autopsy n/a Proving Ground
Andromedon Autopsy 5 5 5 8 Proximity Mine
Archon Autopsy 5 5 5 8 Fusion Blade, Fusion Axe*, Fusion Ripjack Plasma Lance (research)
Berserker Autopsy 6 6 6 9 Overdrive Serum
Chryssalid Autopsy 15 15 15 20 Hellweave
Faceless Autopsy 3 4 4 7 Mimic Beacon
Gatekeeper Autopsy 3 6 6 9 Alien Psi Amp
Muton Autopsy 5 6 6 9 Advanced Grenade Launcher Plasma Grenade
Sectoid Autopsy 6 6 6 10 Mindshield Psionics
Sectopod Breakdown 3 6 6 9 GREMLIN Mark III
Viper Autopsy 5 5 5 8 Battlefield Medicine
Archon King Autopsy* n/a Icarus Armor*
Berserker Queen Autopsy* R.A.G.E. Suit*
Viper King Autopsy* Serpent Suit*
Spectre Autopsy 4 6 6 8 Refraction Field
The Lost Autopsy 65 80 80 120 Ultrasonic Lure
ADVENT Officer Autopsy ADVENT MEC Breakdown 3 4 4 7 GREMLIN Mark II Bluescreen Protocol
Elerium (also requires Gauss Weapons and Plated Armor)
ADVENT Shieldbearer Autopsy 4 4 4 7 Experimental Armor
ADVENT Stun Lancer Autopsy 4 6 6 9 Arc Blade, Ionic Axe*, Ionic Ripjack
ADVENT Trooper Autopsy 10 15 15 25 Battle Scanner
ADVENT Turret Breakdown 3 3 3 6 Defense Matrix
ADVENT Priest Autopsy 6 8 8 12 Sustaining Sphere
ADVENT Purifier Autopsy 4 6 6 9 Reinforced Underlay

* Alien Hunters DLC
War of the Chosen

Research Tree Diagram (Vanilla XCOM 2)

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