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TheBureau Skyranger Landing

The Skyranger is a specialized rotor-craft used by XCOM in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, and is the forerunner of the later Skyranger craft that saw operation during XCOM: Enemy Unknown.


The Skyranger helicopter is the basic transporation of the Bureau of Operations and Command, designed for long distance travel and precise deploy and evac. She cannot fight and is unarmed, but a good pilot can keep her out of harm's way. Operated by United States Air Force, Skyrangers were to be the backbone of stay-behind operations carried out by the Bureau in the event of a Soviet invasion.

The craft has a polished metallic chrome finish, with a large, bubble canopy currounding the cockpit, and a large passenger compartment that can ferry six or more passengers, cargo, or act as an emergency medical transport.

Skyrangers provide rapid transit to hot zones of alien activity, the Skyranger is also capable of dropping off resupply crates when in the field, as Pilot Leon Barnes did many times whilst working with Former CIA, now a part of XCOM, Agent William Carter.

Active units[]

The Bureau operated several dozen Skyrangers, enough to cover the entire United States. Lieutenant Leon Barnes was responsible for coordinating flights and teams, but frequently took to the air himself.

  • Agent William Carter's Skyranger is piloted by Leon Barnes.
  • Skyranger B92
  • Skyranger T61
  • Skyranger E43
  • Skyranger C42
  • Skyranger B76
  • Skyranger D77
  • Skyranger D21


  • The aircraft resembles a heavily modified version of the Sikorsky H-5 rescue helicopter, with a straight fuselage and addition of jet engines near the rotor. It appears outdated in 1962, as it's one of the assets recycled from the earlier, 1950s iteration of the game (the UH-1 Huey has introduced in 1959, three years before the game's set).

