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A Smoke Grenade is a support grenade and a utility item in XCOM 2.

A Smoke Bomb is an improved version of the Smoke Grenade and comes with the same effects and an increased radius.

In-Game Description[]

Smoke Grenade:

Provides a defensive boost to any unit within the radius of the smoke, friend or foe.

– In-game description

Smoke Bomb:

The upgraded Smoke Bomb provides a significant defensive boost to any unit within the radius of the smoke, friend or foe.

– In-game description

Tactical information[]

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Smoke Bomb:

  • A powerful upgrade to our earlier Smoke Grenades, grant greater defense in a larger radius.
  • Smoke can be deployed to instantly increase the defense of nearby units.
  • Can be thrown and launched significantly further than standard grenades.

– Tactical information


  • Defensive bonus is equal to being in Low Cover (+20 Defense). Multiple grenades do not stack.
  • Smoke cloud remains in effect for three turns; on player`s fourth turn after using the grenade, all terrain previously covered by the cloud will have its original protection values, and the visual effect of the cloud will have been removed. A notable increase in smoke transparency signals that the cloud is about to dissipate.
  • Using a Smoke Grenade ends a soldier's turn.

See Also[]

  • Resistance Orders:
    • Bomb Squad: Experimental Grenade and Heavy Weapon projects are completed instantly in the Proving Grounds.
    • Weak Points: Any shredding attack from XCOM does an additional +1 shred to the target.
  • XCOM Abilities:
    • Volatile Mix: Grenades deal +2 damage. Does not increase environment damage.
    • Salvo: Using the grenade launcher or a heavy weapon as your first action does not end the turn.
    • Heavy Ordnance: The grenade in your grenade-only slot gains a bonus use. Affects support grenades, not just offensive ones.
    • Total Combat: Throwing a grenade or using an item no longer ends the turn.
  • Guerrilla Tactics School:
  • Weapons: