Stunned is a mental status effect in XCOM 2.
- Removes a single Action Point from affected target on their next turn.
- Effect stacks.
- Varying duration depending on stacks.
Stunned has a chance to be inflicted by:
- Melee attacks from ADVENT Stun Lancers.
- Melee attacks from Berserkers.
- Melee attacks from Archons.
- Melee attacks from Rangers wielding the Arc Blade.
- Shots from a Bolt Caster or its upgrades.
- Blazing Pinions from an Archon (or Devastate from the Archon King).
An attack against a wounded target that would cause Stunned also has a chance to knock units (particularly XCOM Soldiers) Unconscious.
As it is a mental status effect, Stunned can be cured via a Specialist's Revival Protocol or being within a Psi Operative's Solace field.