TheBureau AgentCarter

Agent Carter holding a M14 Rifle.

Weapons, primarily firearms and explosives, are used in combat by Agents and Aliens.

Like in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, several specific types of weapons are available only to certain agent classes, bar the Squad Leader Class which can use any kind of armament they find. Each subordinate class can only wield one weapon, and Squad Leaders can hold two.

The following is a list of all the weapons available in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.


Pistols are the only weapons made available to Support Class agents. Certain pistols are usable by Squad Leaders only.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon colt45

M1911 Pistol

Groom Range


Archive weapon starz

Z-62 Machine Pistol

First Base visit
Archive weapon alien laserpistol

Laser Pistol

Archive weapon lightplasmapistol

Light Plasma Pistol

Archive weapon plasma pistol

Heavy Plasma Pistol

Archive weapon microwavegun

Microwave Gun

Assault Rifles & SMGs[]

Assault Rifles & SMGs are the only weapons made available to Commando Class agents.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon m14

M14 Rifle

Groom Range


AK-47 Hangar 6: R&D
Archive weapon smg light

Laser SMG

Archive weapon plasmarifle

Laser Pulse Rifle

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles are the only weapons made available to Recon Class agents.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon human sniper

M1903-A4 Sniper Rifle

Groom Range


Archive weapon alien sniper rifle

Plasma Sniper Rifle


Shotguns are the only weapons made available to Engineer Class agents.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon shotgun

M1897 Shotgun

Groom Range


Archive weapon spreadshot

Scatter Laser

Archive weapon shard gun

Plasma Assault Cannon

Heavy Weapons[]

All Heavy Weaponry in the game are usable only by Squad Leaders, with the exception of the Rotary Plasma Cannon which can be equipped on Commandos.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon alienrocket

Blaster Launcher

Archive weapon minigun

Rotary Plasma Cannon

Archive weapon disintergration ray

Lightning Cannon


Grenades are portable explosives that are very effective at taking out groups of enemies, scattering them, or destroying heavily armored targets.

Weapon Damage Capacity First found
Archive weapon frag

Frag Grenade

Groom Range


Archive weapon alien sticky nade

Sticky Grenade
