
Weapons take many forms in XCOM 2. The ADVENT-backed alien in twenty year occupation of Earth has helped introduce more advanced small arms technology to the planet, quite altering the technological landscape from that of the time of the foundation of XCOM.

Note: if a weapon class or type doesn't have a Crit Chance value stated, it means that the weapon doesn't contribute to the overall Crit Chance (i.e. it adds 0%).

Weapons Stats vs Armor[]

Armor Shredding[]

Shredding is the ability to permanently destroy a target's Armor, mitigating or eliminating its damage reduction capabilities. Grenades, Heavy Weapons, SPARKS and the Grenadier's Shredder ability all have the potential to inflict such vulnerabilties.

Armor Piercing[]

Piercing damage is armor-ignoring damage, also referred to as nullification, and is frequently featured on Psionic abilities vs Organics and those of the Specialist which target Robotic units. Any such ability will ignore a specified amount or even completely nullify the target's Armor for a single attack.

XCOM Weaponry[]

As an underground resistance movement, XCOM has to use (at least initially) conventional firearms, most likely salvaged from the armories of now-defunct militaries of Earth's nation-states.

Such weapons include fully automatic assault rifles, available for XCOM Rookies and later for fighters of Ranger, Specialist and Psi-Operative classes, while XCOM Rangers also have access to the compact pump-action shotgun, deadly in the CQB combat. XCOM Sharpshooters utilize a powerful bolt-action sniper rifle as a primary weapon, and a high-caliber revolver handgun as their backup firearm. XCOM Grenadiers arm themselves with the man-portable rotary cannon and the revolver-action grenade launcher for lobbing fragmentation grenades at their enemies.

As the research and development aboard the Avenger, XCOM's Mobile HQ, progresses, Magnetic/Gauss weaponry and, finally, Plasma weaponry becomes available for the XCOM operatives in the field.

XCOM Weaponry can be divided into Primary Weapons and Secondary Weapons. The main differences between primary and secondary weapons are that primary weapons can be extensively modded with weapon upgrades (once Modular Weapons is researched) but have limited ammo and need to be reloaded periodically in battle (note: Burning status effect disables the option to reload). Secondary weapons do not benefit from weapon mods but do not require reloading either. Which weapons a soldier can equip as primary or secondary weapons is dependent on their Soldier Class.

Additionally, soldiers can gain access to Heavy Weapons which are neither primary nor secondary weapons but can only mounted on Heavy Armors. Heavy Weapons are devastating AOE options with a very limited ammo count, so be careful not to squander them needlessly.

For weapons variants added by XCOM 2: War of the Chosen – Tactical Legacy Pack DLC, see this page.


  • Experimental ammo (e.g. Dragon Rounds, Talon Rounds etc) affect both primary weapons and Pistol-type secondary weapons.
  • PCS: Perception (and its Advanced/Superior versions) affect both primary weapons, Sword- and Pistol-type secondary weapons.

Primary Weapons[]

All primary weapons receive a second mod slot at the second tier. A third slot is only possible by obtaining the Armed to the Teeth Continent Bonus. (In the War of the Chosen expansion, certain Breakthroughs can unlock an additional upgrade slot for one specific class of weapons.)

Firing the primary weapon ends the unit's turn, unless special abilities are acquired as permitted per class.

Assault Rifles[]

Assault Rifles are a primary weapon type accessible to Rookies, Specialists, Psi-Operatives, and Rangers.

Assault Rifles
Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Clip Size Range Mod Slots Additional effect
Assault Rifle 3–5 +2 4 Medium 1
Magnetic Rifle 5–7 +3 2
Plasma Rifle 7–9 +4
(+3 WotC)
Disruptor Rifle WotC 7–9 +4  Superior Scope
 Superior Magazine
 Superior Hair Trigger
 Superior Stock
 Guaranteed Critical hits on Psionic enemies
Bolt Casters[]

Alien Hunters DLC content. Bolt Casters are a primary weapon type accessible to Rookies, Specialists, Psi-Operatives, and Rangers. Bolt Casters count as Assault Rifles for Research Breakthroughs. Each attack has a chance to stun the target, and cannot be dodged. Genetically-empowered aliens are highly susceptible to being stunned. Launches a single, high-damaging projectile, but must be reloaded after each use. Bolt Casters do not have mod slots and cannot have Weapon Upgrades installed.

Bolt Casters
Name Damage Clip Size Range Aim Additional effects
Bolt Caster 6–8 1 Medium +15% Stun: 20% (50% against Alien Rulers)
Ignores Dodge
Magnetic Bolt Caster 8–10
Plasma Bolt Caster 10–12


Shotguns are a primary weapon type restricted to Rangers. Shotguns are extremely effective at close range but their accuracy drops off quickly at long range.

Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Clip Size Range Mod Slots
Shotgun 4–6 +3 +10% 4 Short* 1
Shard Gun 6–8 +4 +15%
(10% WotC)
Storm Gun 8–10 +5
(+4 WotC)
(10% WotC)
Arashi WotC 8–10 +5 +10%  Superior Laser Sight
 Superior Magazine
 Superior Hair Trigger
 Superior Stock

* +40% Aim at 1 tile away, +23% at 5 tiles, +3% at 10 tiles, -10% at 15 tiles, -18% at 20 tiles, -30% at 25 tiles.


Cannons are a primary weapon type restricted to Grenadiers.

Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Clip Size Range Mod Slots Armor Shredding*
Cannon 4–6 +2 3 Medium 1 1
Mag Cannon 6–8 +3 2 2
Beam Cannon 8–10 +4
(+3 WotC)
2 3

* If Shredder ability is chosen.

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles are a primary weapon type restricted to Sharpshooters. Sniper Rifles, except for Darklance, always require two action points to fire (i.e. using a Teamwork perk or a similar ability will enable a sharpshooter to shoot only a pistol; however, scoring a kill with activated Serial ability will allow shooting a sniper rifle again, and a kill when Death From Above ability is acquired will not end the turn [explanation needed]) and suffers a penalty to hit at close range.

Sniper Rifles
Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Clip Size Range Mod Slots Notes
Sniper Rifle 4–6 +2 +10% 3 Long* 1
Gauss Rifle 6–8 +3 2
Plasma Lance 8–10 +4 2
Darklance WotC 8–10 +4 Superior Scope
Superior Auto-loader
Superior Hair Trigger
Superior Stock
Only needs one action to fire, though firing still ends turn

* Aim penalty when shooting at close range.

Heavy Autocannons[]

Shen's Last Gift DLC content. Heavy Autocannons are a primary weapon type restricted to SPARKs. They cannot utilize weapon upgrades, unless you are playing the War of the Chosen update. They are otherwise identical to the cannons wielded by grenadiers.

Heavy Autocannons
Name Damage Clip Size Range Mod Slots
(WOTC only)
Armor Shredding
Heavy Autocannon 4–6 3 Medium 1 1
Helix Rail-Cannon 6–8 2 2
Elerium Phase-Cannon 8–10 2 3

Secondary Weapons[]


Pistols are a secondary weapon type restricted to Sharpshooters. Pistols cannot be used in conjunction with Squadsight ability.

Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Range Additional effect
Pistol 2–3 +1 Short*
Mag Pistol 3–4 +1
Beam Pistol 3–6 +2
Darkclaw WotC 4–7 +2  Ignores 5 armor

* Aim penalty when shooting at far range.

Shadowkeeper Pistols[]

Alien Hunters DLC content. Pistols are a secondary weapon type restricted to Sharpshooters. Comparable to each tier pistol, but has improved aim (+10%) and chance to critical hit (+15%). Has the special ability of Shadowfall, a pistol shot that is guaranteed to hit, and if the target is killed, the shooter gains concealment.

Only a single Shadowkeeper pistol is available per play-through for all upgrade tiers, so if the Shadowkeeper is lost during a mission a replacement cannot be built, though it can be recovered just the once during the Enhanced and Powered Shadowkeeper upgrade in Engineering -- Built Item -- Weapons purchase. 'Captured' soldiers and their limited equipment may be rescued during a possible Rescue VIP mission that may spawn at a later time.

Shadowkeeper Pistols
Name Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Range Aim Notes
Shadowkeeper 2–3 +1 +15% Short* +10%  Grants Shadowfall ability
Enhanced Shadowkeeper 3–4 +1
Powered Shadowkeeper 3–6 +2

* Aim penalty when shooting at far range.


Swords are a secondary weapon type restricted to Rangers.

Name DLC Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Range Aim* Additional effect
Sword 3–5 +2 +10% Melee +20%
Arc Blade 4–6 +2 +15%
(10% WotC)
+20% 25% chance to stun or disorient target
Fusion Blade 5–7
(6–8 WotC)
+3 +20%
(10% WotC)
+20% 100% chance to set target on fire
Katana WotC 8–9 +3 +0% +100%  Cannot be dodged (always deals full damage)
 Ignores 5 armor points

* All swords have +20% bonus Aim (even though it is not stated in-game), with the exception of the Katana which grants +100% Aim.
• Rangers' ability Blademaster makes all sword attacks deal +2 damage and gain +10% Aim.


Axes are a secondary weapon type restricted to Rangers. One axe can be thrown from range (once per mission) for a 'free action' for an instant burst of damage. This ranged attack counts as melee damage, so a Chosen with the "Immunity: Melee" takes no damage from it. Note: Aim, Range, Cover, Dodge and Armor chances/penalties apply.

Only one set of axes are available per play-through for all upgrade tiers, so if the axes are lost during a mission a replacement cannot be built, though it can be recovered just the once during the Ionic and Fusion axe upgrade in Engineering -- Built Item -- Weapons purchase.

Note: The game text describes the weapon as a "pair of axes", one of which can be thrown as a free action. However, that ranged attack is treated in all respects as a one-charge-per-mission ability; the second axe cannot be "lost" unless you lose the core weapon. For example, if a soldier throws the axe, then you evacuate the mission (losing all the alien bodies on the scene), you do not lose the "second axe"; the next time you equip the pair of axes, the soldier will still have a single free ranged attack per mission.

Name Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Range Aim* Additional effect
Hunter's Axe 4–6 +2 +10% Melee +20%
Ionic Axe 5–7 +2 +15% 25% chance to stun or disorient target
Fusion Axe 6–8 +3 +20% 100% chance to set target on fire

* Axes have +20% bonus Aim (even though it is not stated in-game).
• Rangers' ability Blademaster makes all axe attacks deal +2 damage and gain +10% Aim.

Grenade Launchers[]

Grenade Launchers are a secondary weapon type restricted to Grenadiers. Although they don't increase grenade damage, they can lob grenades much further than hand-thrown, and have a larger explosion radius to damage multiple enemies.

Grenade Launchers
Name Grenade Range Grenade Radius
Grenade Launcher +4 +1
Advanced Grenade Launcher +5 +2

Psi Amps[]

Psi Amps are restricted to Psi Operatives, and are used to channel the user's psi energy in order to cast psionic abilities on targets. More advanced Psi Amps not only increase the damage for psionic abilities, but also increase the Psi Offense for psionic abilities.

Psi Amps
Name Psi Offense
Psi Amp +0
Advanced Psi Amp +20
Alien Psi Amp +40


GREMLINs are restricted to Specialists, and are used to aid allies, zap enemies, or remotely hack targets. More advanced GREMLINS increase the effect or damage of various protocols and give a bonus to Hack Score for remote hacking or Haywire Protocol. GREMLINS do not provide Hack bonus for Skulljacking/Skullmining.

GREMLIN Tier Hack Stat Aid Protocol Medical Protocol Restoration Scanning Protocol Combat Protocol Capacitor Discharge
vs organic vs robots vs organic vs robots
GREMLIN +0 +20 Defense +0 HP healed (6 HP max) 4 HP healed 1 charge 2 4–5 3-6 ...
GREMLIN Mark II +20 +30 Defense +1 HP healed (7 HP max) 5 HP healed 1 charge 4 7–8 5–8 ...
GREMLIN Mark III +40 +40 Defense +2 HP healed (8 HP max) 6 HP healed 2 charges 6 10–11 7–10 ...


Shen's Last Gift DLC content. SPARK BITs are restricted to SPARKs robotic soldier class. SPARK BITs can be used to Hack security towers and terminals, albeit at relatively low hacking skill values. A SPARK BIT is able to carry a single Heavy Weapon for use during combat.

SPARK BIT Tier Hack Stat
Plated BIT +10
Powered BIT +20

Heavy Weapons[]

Heavy Weapons are special wrist-mounted weapon systems for Heavy Armor and SPARKs in XCOM 2. Only one heavy weapon can be equipped at a time and can only be used once per battle.

Building an E.X.O. Suit unlocks the Rocket Launcher as the default heavy weapon as well as opening the Experimental Heavy Weapon research in the Proving Ground. (with Shen's Last Gift DLC, Experimental Heavy Weapons can be built after constructing the Proving Ground)

Building a W.A.R. Suit unlocks the Experimental Powered Weapon research in the Proving Ground opening up access to more advanced heavy weapons.

A random heavy weapon can be acquired after scanning the Overgrown Tank Resistance Rumor. Skirmishers Resistance Order Bomb Squad makes Experimental Grenade and Heavy Weapon Proving Ground projects complete instantly.

Heavy Weapons
Weapon Type Firing mode Base damage Critical damage Range Radius /
Armor shredding Armor piercing Notes
Rocket Launcher Heavy Weapon Direct 4-7 +2 27 4 2 0 Projectile path is blocked by environment objects
Flamethrower Experimental
Heavy Weapon
4-7 +2 25 7 0 0 Fire damage type; inflicts Burning; the AoE cone expands towards the end
Shredder Gun Experimental
Heavy Weapon
Cone 6-9 +1 25 12 2 1 The AoE cone expands towards the end of the projectile path
Blaster Launcher Experimental
Powered Weapon
Homing 7-10 +2 45 6 3 0 Projectile paths around obstacles
Hellfire Projector Experimental
Powered Weapon
6-9 +2 25 7 0 0 Fire damage type; inflicts Burning; the AoE cone expands towards the end
Shredstorm Cannon Experimental
Powered Weapon
Cone 8-11 +2 25 12 4 2 The AoE cone expands towards the end of the projectile path
Plasma Blaster Experimental
Powered Weapon
Line 7-10 +3 25 12 0 4 1-tile wide AoE

Hero Class Weapons[]

The hero classes introduced in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen each have their own primary and secondary weapons. These weapons can be upgraded at a lower cost than the core XCOM weapons. The Reapers and Skirmishers primary weapons can use modular weapon upgrades.

Reapers Weaponry[]

Vektor Rifles[]

Vektor Rifles are a primary weapon type restricted to the Reaper hero class. It functions similarly to an assault rifle, with the same range and a smaller clip, and its damage in comparison is radically different. The baseline vektor is a baseline assault rifle with -1 to max damage and +1 to crit damage, but Reapers are the best class in the game at getting into flanking position. Once you start upgrading both weapons, though, vektors fall off a cliff in comparison - their damage output keeps lagging farther and farther behind. A Shadow Lance's average output is reasonably comparable to Darkclaw's (trading armor piercing 5 for superior crit damage and superior range).

Vektor Rifles
Name Damage Crit DMG Clip Size Range
Vektor Rifle 3–4 +3 3 Medium
Temnotic Rifle 4–5 +4
Shadow Lance 5–6 +5


Claymore - is a secondary weapon type restricted to the Reaper hero class. It is a throwable environmental explosive mine that always does 5 damage and shreds 2 armor points (the Reaper ability Shrapnel grants +3 damage, +1 shredding, and +1 radius). Throwing and shooting a Claymore explosive by a Reaper does not break individual or group concealment.

Skirmishers Weaponry[]


Bullpups are a primary weapon type restricted to the Skirmisher hero class. This type of assault rifle does less damage than the usual Assault Rifle and has an aim penalty at long range, but only uses one action to fire and does not end the turn.

Name Damage Crit DMG Clip Size Range
Kal-7 Bullpup 3–4 +1 3 Short*
Kal-15 Bullpup 5–6 +1
Kal-90 Bullpup 6–7 +2

* Aim penalty when shooting at far range.
• Tip: Kal-15 Bullpup offers a bigger step up in damage from the previous tier, coupled with the Skirmisher ability to shoot twice in a turn, means a big improvement in damage output.


Ripjacks are a secondary weapon type restricted to the Skirmisher hero class. The standard Ripjack is simply inferior to a Sword, but the upgraded variants will usually outperform upgraded swords, because they functionally sacrifice an improved critical chance for a guaranteed chance to deal maximum damage (the standard, base ripjack deals average damage instead of maximum).

Name Damage Crit DMG Range Aim* Additional effect
Ripjack 4 +1 Melee +20%
Ionic Ripjack 6 +2 25% chance to stun or disorient target
Fusion Ripjack 8 +3 100% chance to set target on fire

* Ripjacks have +20% bonus Aim (even though it is not stated in-game).

Templars Weaponry[]


Gauntlets are a primary weapon type restricted to the Templar hero class. These special gauntlets channel the psionic energy into a pair of melee blades. The melee attack cannot miss (but can be countered by Mutons) and deals increasing damage the more Focus a Templar has.

Name Damage Crit DMG Crit Chance Range Notes
Shard Gauntlets 4–5 +2 +10% Melee  Rend cannot miss, but can be dodged [explanation needed]
 +1 Damage per level of Focus
 5% chance to Stun per level of Focus
 10% chance to Disorient per level of Focus
Tempest Gauntlets 5–6
Celestial Gauntlets 7–8


Autopistols are a secondary weapon type restricted to the Templar hero class. Autopistols are nearly identical in function to the Sharpshooter's Pistol.

Name Damage Crit DMG Range
Autopistol 2–3 +1 Short*
Mag Autopistol 3–4 +1
Beam Autopistol 3–6 +2

* Aim penalty when shooting at far range.

Enemy Weaponry[]

ADVENT Weaponry[]

The ADVENT administration arms its troops with standardized factory-produced Gauss rifles. These rifles accelerate bullets, made of ferromagnetic alloys to velocities largely unattainable by ballistic firearms. While the basic principles of such technology were well known to Earth's scientists before the invasion, it was technology donated by the aliens to their ADVENT puppets that solved the inherent problems of making reliable gauss-based man-portable weaponry. Namely, the lack of portable power sources or compact and lightweight discharge capacitors.

ADVENT's standard-issue gauss rifles also have a built-in genetic lock connected to the ADVENT network, (preventing a rifle being fired by any non-authorized user) as well as a self-destruct mechanism, activating a short time after the weapon's user dies in action and rendering the weapon permanently inoperable. These measures were installed to prevent any resistance fighters and XCOM from using captured ADVENT-made weapons.

Alien Weaponry[]

The aliens appear to retain what is majorly the same weaponry as that of the original invasion, but the new troop variants seem to possess variations of the familiar patterns, such as the Muton's bayonet. Sectoids, however, still carry their wrist-mounted plasma blaster. Despite its age in technological terms, alien plasma weaponry has not advanced very far, implying that plasma-based weaponry is the most effective possible armaments without risking excessive destruction.

However, it is noted that alien plasma weaponry is highly unstable, with a very fine line between 'functioning' and 'overloading', and complexity in trying to operate certain weapons. This shows the Elder's overall lack of effort to produce safe weaponry for their troops to use in the field in favor of more power, in comparison to XCOM, whose beam weaponry is designed far more safely and much more user-friendly.

The aliens also appear to have developed 'fusion'-based technology for use in melee weapons such as the Muton's Bayonet and the Archon's Staff. It is notable for its high heat during usage, something XCOM takes full advantage of when designing the Fusion Blade.

Combined Tables[]

Type Name Damage Clip Size Critical
Chance (%)
Rifle Assault Rifle 03-05 4
Magnetic Rifle 05-07
Plasma Rifle 07-09
Disruptor Rifle


07-09 Guaranteed Critical hits on Psionic enemies, 4 upgrades
Bolt Caster Bolt Caster 06-08 1
Magnetic Bolt Caster 08-10
Plasma Bolt Caster 10-12
Shotgun Shotgun 04-06 4 10
Shard Gun 06-08 15
Storm Gun 08-10 20
Arashi (WotC) 08-10 10 4 upgrades
Cannon Cannon 04-06 3
Mag Cannon 06-08
Beam Cannon 08-10
Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle 04-06 3 10
Gauss Rifle 06-08 10
Plasma Lance 08-10 10
Darklance (WotC) 08-10 10 Only one action to fire, 4 upgrades
Pistol Pistol 02-03
Mag Pistol 03-04
Beam Pistol 03-06
Darkclaw (WotC) 04-07 5 Ignores 5 armor
Shadowkeeper 02-03 15 Grants Shadowfall

Aim +10%

Enhanced Shadowkeeper 03-04
Powered Shadowkeeper 03-06


Heavy Autocannon 04-06 3
Helix Rail-Cannon 06-08
Elerium Phase-Cannon 08-10
Reaper Rifle Vektor Rifle 03-04 3
Temnotic Rifle 04-05 3
Shadow Lance 5-6 3 ? ?
Skirmisher Bullpup KAL-7 Bullpup 3-4 3 ? ?
KAL-15 Bullpup 5-6 3 ? ?
KAL-90 Bullpup 6-7 3 ? ?
Templar Autopistol Autopistol 2-3 0 Critical damage +1
Mag Autopistol 3-4 0 Critical damage +1
Beam Autopistol 3-6 0 Critical damage +2


Type Name Damage Critical
Chance (+%)
Chance (+%)
Swords Sword 3-5 10
Arc Blade 4-6 15 25
Fusion Blade 5-7 20 Has a chance to set targets on fire
Katana (WotC) 8-9 Ignores 5 armor

Guaranteed to hit

Axe Hunter's Axe 4-6 10
Ionic Axe 5-7 15 25
Fusion Axe 6-8 20 Has a chance to set targets on fire


Ripjack 4 0 0 Critical damage +1, Aim +20%
Ionic Ripjack 6 0 25 Critical damage +2, Aim +20%
Fusion Ripjack 8 0 0 Critical damage +3, Aim +20%

Has a chance to set targets on fire



Shard Gauntlets 4-5 10 0 Critical damage +2, Aim +20%
Tempest Gauntlets 5-6 10 0 Critical damage +2, Aim +20%
Celestial Gauntlets 7-8 10 0 Critical damage +2, Aim +20%

Hacking Tools[]

Equipping a Skulljack, when Skullmining is researched, increases the Hacking stat by +25.

Type Name Hacking stat

Grenade Launcher[]

Name Grenade Range Grenade Radius
Grenade Launcher +4 +1
Advanced Grenade Launcher +5 +2


The Psi Operative class uses a hand-held Psi Amp as their secondary weapon, which they will automatically use when casting psionic abilities. Upgrading the Psi Amp will increase the effectiveness of certain psionic abilities.[explanation needed]

Name Psi
Psi Amp +0
Advanced Psi Amp +20
Alien Psi Amp +40

Tier Shotguns:
Sniper Rifles:
(Rookies, Specialists, Rangers, Psi Operatives)
Tier 1 Shotgun Cannon Sniper Rifle Assault Rifle
Tier 2 Shard Gun Mag Cannon Gauss Rifle Magnetic Rifle
Tier 3 Storm Gun Beam Cannon Plasma Lance Plasma Rifle
Chosen Arashi Darklance Disruptor Rifle
Tier Swords:
Grenade Launchers:
(Psi Operatives)
Tier 1 Sword Grenade Launcher Pistol GREMLIN Psi Amp
Tier 2 Arc Blade Advanced Grenade Launcher Mag Pistol GREMLIN Mark II Advanced Psi Amp
Tier 3 Fusion Blade Beam Pistol GREMLIN Mark III Alien Psi Amp
Chosen Katana Darkclaw
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