
The Z-62 Machine Pistol is a weapon in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.


European .32 caliber machine pistol. Fully automatic, effective at close range.


The Z-62 can be considered the fully-automatic counterpart of the M1911 Pistol. It is quite accurate for an automatic weapon, but firing in bursts can make it even more deadly at ranges. One of the Z-62's strengths is its high ammo capacity and large reserve pool, making it a dependable backup until better weapons are introduced.

Being slightly weaker by a small margin, the Z-62 soars over its competition with its large magazine size and rate-of-fire and can be quite deadly even past medium range. Despite this, its glory is rather short-lived, as more advanced weaponry can be found almost immediately after its introduction, quickly rendering the machine pistol obsolete. Like the M1911, the Z-62 is a rather rare find in the environment, even less common than the basic pistol, and especially so when alien armaments begin to appear en masse near the second half of the game.

The Z-62 is automatically equipped on Support Class agents.


The Z-62 is unlocked automatically upon the player escaping Groom Range, though it does makes an in-environment appearance during The Scientist, found on the bed of a parade float in the same area Carter and his men encounter the first Shield Commander.


  • The Z-62 Machine Pistol was based on the Star Model Z-62 SMG by Star Bonifacio Echeverria. The real-life Z-62 didn't enter service until 1963, one year after the game's timeline and was chambered in 9x23mm Largo, not .32 Auto.

